Sunday, January 15, 2012

97. My Husband Won't Let Me

Sandy is 25 with chronic pelvic pain and four kids.  Repeat evaluation over the years has not revealed any cause.  Last week she came in and asked for a hysterectomy; I hesitated because without diagnosed uterine pathology, the pain will likely continue after the surgery.

"Healthy Life Style"  That's what we propose for patients with chronic pain.  Sleep, nutrition, exercise.  Just a daily 20-30 walk outside can combine exercise and a meditation-like mind clearing.

"Do you have time for yourself?" I asked, hoping this would trigger a useful conversation.  Finding time (alone! --an exercise DVD won't work with a house full of kids) is the deal-breaker for many would-be home athletes.

Her reply:  "My husband won't let me."

With some prompting, she explained that he doesn't literally stand in the doorway keeping her homebound, but he refuses to take care of the kids. With no money for babysitters, he has effectively prevented her attempts to gain control of her health.  And I suspect that when someone has to be up at night with the kids, she's the one who loses sleep. Or she stays up late with laundry and other chores.

There's abuse and then there's abuse.

1 comment:

  1. So sad. I was amazed at how great I felt while I was running (okay, jogging) every morning with two girlfriends last fall/winter/spring. I've resolved to start up again next month, although it will be trickier since Chuck's work schedule has changed since then. I can't imagine him not being completely supportive of it, though - again, SO sad.



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