Friday, January 19, 2018

243. Nepal Day 10

Sacred cow wandering on main street
Day off (Saturday is the traditional day off in Nepal); some of us went to a wildlife sanctuary, by chance sitting in the bus ( a 90 minute ride) next to a nurse who shared “office politics” with me—the mission's chosen (but in situ unqualified) lead OR nurse picked because she was office nurse for the lead surgeon. After a verbal duel with a "take charge" nurse, the former ceded her position to the latter. My confidant works at the same hospital as the original lead nurse, with grievances that appear to predate the mission by some time. I was oblivious to all this until the bus ride, and never noticed any dysfunctional relationships (to which I also could have been oblivious). 

The ride took us within a few miles of the border with India, a reminder that Nepal is 80% hindi, probably more in the east.  India is known for it's skin-whitening creams. This picture of a woman about to receive a spinal anesthesia provides a partial explanation. Traditional clothing (sari) exposes her lower back as she bends over planting/harvesting rice, thus the deep pigmentation. Darker skin = common laborer.

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