Sunday, May 24, 2015

193. Dagupan Final Day

Dr. B is sick today (not traveler's gastritis, but a cold with too much coughing to be in the OR). So I manage 3 major surgeries: two vaginal hysterectomies for prolapse and abnormal surgery for a benign (or so it appears, one never knows) ovarian cyst. We are told that there is a pathology department, so all tissue we remove will be looked at under the microscope and if determined to be malignant, the patient will be contacted for follow-up care. Except for my other Philippine mission, none of my other missions have offered pathology evaluation, another sign that the Philippine hospitals where we work are a notch higher. The reality of the follow-up? Don't know.


  1. Yikes! What is that in the picture? Is that the cyst? If it is, I really don't ever want to have one. I really like your blogs. Even when the pictures remind me of one of the many reasons I didn't go into medicine. (although to be truthful, some middle schools are almost as hard to look at) Did Mom go to your med school graduation. If she did, she loved it.

  2. Middle schoolers, that is. The schools aren't usually that unsightly.



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