Sunday, April 5, 2015

190. Dagupan Day 4

Two fibroids, each about 1.5-2 inches led to such heavy bleeding that Lenora had to received 4 units of blood in December. One was at the top of the uterus, the other growing inside the uterus (a potential space, like a collapsed balloon, not an empty cavity), then pushing itself out through the cervix and into the vagina—a prolapsed fibroid. So first we carve out the fibroid, then the uterus, both through the vagina. A tricky procedure since the dilated cervix brings the operative site perilously close to vulnerable ureters (the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder—not structures to mess with).

The second case, also a fibroid causing abnormal bleeding, was not as difficult nor will her post-op life be not as dramatically improved, but she will still be very happy with her increased strength as her body recovers from almost constant bleeding.  Her husband showed his appreciation the next day with a box of mangos, apparently from a tree near his house, with a letter explaining that he didn't have much to show his gratitude, but what he did have, he wanted to share. One of our Philippine nurses translated for the several staff members who were around when the box arrived.


  1. I send thank you notes after I have a baby - usually to my ob, the anesthesiologist, my favorite nurses and CAPs, and try to include pictures of them holding the baby that I took before leaving the hospital... but I've never thought of mangos! What a sweet offering from a grateful husband.

  2. Jana hasn't been blogging, so I haven't been checking the list of the blogs she follows which is how I know when you blog. That might have to change, since I just found these past four. Reading these makes me so much more knowledgeable about the world, and while I know pride is not always a good thing, makes me very proud to have a brother who is such a great example of much needed service.

  3. Jana hasn't been blogging, so I haven't been checking the list of the blogs she follows which is how I know when you blog. That might have to change, since I just found these past four. Reading these makes me so much more knowledgeable about the world, and while I know pride is not always a good thing, makes me very proud to have a brother who is such a great example of much needed service.



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