Friday, March 14, 2014

172. Final Baguio Post

Most fibroids grow within the wall of the uterus.
This "pedunculated" fibroid grew from the top,
 attached to the uterus by a narrow stalk
The dense, gnarled nature of a fibroid
appreciated when it is bisected.
That's the cervix underneath the bulky uterus fundus,
which had to be removed first to gain access to the cervix

Inside, it looks like multiple, not a single, fibroids

Again, multiple fibroids, this time apparent from the outside

That's just $13.50 per day for hospital room, but a hospital and doctor costs for a hysterectomy would add up to P60,000, or over $1300, we were told.  That's over $30,000 of gynecologic surgical care.
Assume an equal amount or more for the general surgeons and $2500 expenses for each of the 25 volunteers.
The result: an investment of $60,000+ for $60,000+ medical care plus some teaching along the way.
All in all, a pretty good return on that investment

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