Wednesday, June 19, 2013

150. Sticks and Stones

At 19, Ericka did not plan this pregnancy with her live-in, unemployed boyfriend, but she says she is okay with it.  At least until she became ill at six weeks (just a month after conception), with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.  A little early for morning sickness, perhaps just a prolonged viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu"). Or a combination of the two.

I met her for the first time this morning, her 4th day in the hospital.  Talking with a couple of the nurses, it appears that she has not had any visitors during these four days. With a couple of intravenous anti-emetics (she refuses to take pills), she was able to eat for the first time this morning. She wanted a burrito but a nurse limited her to some applesauce and similar soft foods.  A few hours later, she was throwing up again.  

I need to talk with her, but she hides her face in the pillow and complains about the light when I open the door to her room.  I don't want to talk, she says, I just want to sleep.  I tell her that I need to have a serious discussion about other treatments. Because she talks so softly, I bend on my knees (no chair available) to get close enough to hear her responses.

"You're creepy, staring at me like that." 

Accepting my dismissal, I told her I'd be back in a few hours when she might be feeling better.  As I left I could hear dry heaving in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. Well, it doesn't sound like she was in a position (emotionally or physically) to handle any aspect of this situation well, so at least you know it wasn't personal.



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