Thursday, May 23, 2013

148. Mother and Child

At 79, Ellen has a prolapsed bladder (see post 107).  Won't shorten her life, but uncomfortable, irritating her bladder, preventing normal activity.

There is a surgical fix and a pessary, the latter a silicone ring placed in the vagina, acting as a dam holding back the bladder and/or uterus.

Size is important.  A pessary too small falls out; too big and it becomes more uncomfortable than the prolapse.  Sometimes we just can't find the right size and turn to surgery.  And so it is with Ellen.

We plan surgery, and in the course of discussing postop care, I told her that for a month or so, she will have to avoid heavy lifting.  That may be difficult she replied. My 60 yr old son lives with me; he has mental problems and sometimes puts the recycling in the regular can and the other way around, so I have to go and make it right, which means bending and lifting

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