Friday, March 18, 2011

72. IUFD

Around 30 weeks, Tess hadn't felt much movement for a few days, so she came in.  No heart tones with the doppler; ultrasound confirmed IntraUterine Fetal Demise.  Labor was induced and in just a few hours she delivered a lifeless but otherwise normal appearing baby.

Now two weeks later she comes in as recommended, though "I really didn't want to come in."  I shared with her test results: no evidence of infection, a "less than 10% placental infarct," and a "true knot" in the cord but without sign of ischemia--lack of blood flow--on either side of the knot.  So we really don't know; we rarely do in this setting.

I asked her if she though she was coping okay (she shrugs), if she had people she could talk with (yes), if she wanted to talk with a counselor (no), if she was sleeping (not at all, "I keep seeing tiny coffins.")

I gave her some ambien and contraception.

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