Thursday, September 26, 2013

156. Tour de France

What do you think when you see a cyclist, football player or other athlete with an oxygen mask (not illegal since oxygen is natural, though some may object that 21% atmospheric oxygen is natural but 100% tank oxygen is not natural)?  The more the better, right?

Well, that's what neonatologists thought a few decades ago who gave premature babies continuous 100% oxygen. It turns out though, that high oxygen levels stimulate blood vessel formation--normally a good thing, but not in the retina, which such proliferation can cause blindness.

Enter Helena, who was born premature 34 years ago, given 100% oxygen and blood transfusions as well (premature babies are often severely anemic).  Fast forward: Helena is blind, HIV positive, and pregnant.  Oh, and as another consequence of prematurity, her cerebrospinal fluid doesn't circulate so she has a plastic shunt draining excess fluid away from her brain into the regular vascular system.  A couple of hours hard pushing could disrupt the shunt.  And did I mention she's breech?

Well, the baby was turned by one of my colleagues, and we are now waiting for spontaneous labor.


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